1. Order Extra Invitations
Do not order the exact amount of invitations as your guest list count. Order extra! Not because you plan on adding people to your list down the line but because mistakes do happen. Mail is often returned to sender for various reasons and upon return they are often not in the best shape. That’s an invitation you probably won’t want to resend because of its now weathered/battered appearance. Another reason to order extras, especially extra envelopes, is for the simple fact that you’ll probably make a few mistakes when hand writing addresses or guests’ names on your envelopes. Having a few extras around will come in handy. Also you’ll want to save a few extras for keepsakes for yourself as well as a copy to give to your photographer and videographer on your wedding day to ensure that they capture your invitation details.

2. Develop A System
Set time aside to sit down and organize the names and addresses of everyone on your guest list. If you start preparing for this ahead of time it will benefit you in the long run. Trust me you don’t want to be gathering addresses at the same time you are ready to write up your wedding invitation envelopes. You will be so overwhelmed and it will become a daunting task especially if you have a huge guest list. Once you have your guest list created, you can either enter all of the names into an Excel Spreadsheet alongside a column for addresses or if you prefer to hand write them in your planner/journal that would work as well. Start accumulating the addresses overtime. Working on it little by little.

3. Ensure Accurate Postage
Make sure you have the appropriate postage stamps for your invitations. The last thing you want is to have your invitations delayed in reaching your guests because they are being returned to sender due to insufficient postage. An easy way to get the correct weight for your invitation is to fully assemble one of your wedding invitations then take it to the post office and have it weighed. Then you can purchase the correct stamps needed right there. You want to ensure that the extra inserts of your invitation suite does not raise the cost of the standard envelope size as that will in fact result in higher postage costs so be sure to include every additional insert you plan on including in your invitation.

These are just a few of the things you should be thinking about as you prepare to send out your wedding invitations.

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